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Work-Based Learning

2025-2026 Work Based Learning

If you would like to apply for the Work Based Learning program, please fill out this FORM and one will be sent to you via email. The application window closes on 2/14/2025. You must attend a mandatory Interest Meeting on (Tuesday 2/11) during B2. Space in this program is limited to 35 approved applications. Ms. Yarrington RM 2445.

Work Based Learning

What is Work-Based Learning (WBL)?

WBL is an opportunity to be released from school early to go to work and start gaining some real-world work experience – and get school credit! You can have a paid part-time position, an unpaid internship, or both. We try to relate your work experience to your long-term career goals, but you can also get WBL credit if you just have a general part-time job. This is a great opportunity to begin building your resume while still in high school. You may also work on-campus as an office aide or teacher intern.

What are the requirements to enroll in WBL?

In order to apply for the Work-Based Learning program, here are the requirements that you must meet:

  • Must be at least 16 years old
  • Maintain good attendance and discipline records
  • Provide your own dependable transportation to/from job site/internship (Off-Campus)
  • Complete the WBL application by the deadline
  • Participate in an in-person interest meeting and orientation with the WBL coordinator
What are the course requirements?

Here are the main components of the WBL class:

  1. Go to Work.
    For each release period, you must work 5 hours per week. For example, if you have WBL during the 6th period, then you have to work 5 hours each week. Those hours do not literally have to be from 2:35-3:30 pm every day. You might only go to work one afternoon during the week and then on a Saturday. This gives you flexibility with other after-school activities, like athletic games and practices. Failure to comply may result in dismissal from the program.
  2. Provide Proof of Hours Worked:
    Each month you will turn in a timesheet of the hours you have worked signed by your supervisor. Timesheets are due on the 1st Wednesday of the following month at our Mandatory Meeting during B2 or 6th period.
  3. Work Evaluations:
     Your supervisor will complete four performance evaluations throughout the year that will serve as major grades.
  4. Complete Monthly Assignments
    Each month, you have to complete a few assignments that are related to a specific topic. All assignments are posted in teams. Some months have more to do than others. Assignments are always due on the first Wednesday of the month, so it’s easy to remember. You turn assignments in online, which makes it very convenient! Failure to comply may result in dismissal from the program.
How many WBL periods can I take?

You can take up to two periods of WBL each semester.

When do I take WBL?

Courses must be taken in either the morning, afternoon, or a combination, but not the middle of the day unless paired with dual enrollment. Ex. 1&6, 1-2, 5-6

What if I can’t work for a few days or weeks?

If a student is temporarily out of work due to extenuating circumstances, alternatives may be provided to earn hours.

What if I don’t have a job or related internship?

Coordinators will help secure a placement.

What schedule works best with WBL?

WBL works with all schedules; traditional, virtual, dual enrollment, athletic, etc.

Can I change jobs for WBL during the year?

Yes! You are allowed one job change with the coordinator's permission. You also must provide a two-week written notice of your resignation to your employer and have an approved placement lined up. Failure to comply with this policy may result in dismissal from the program.


Success Starts Here

Students at Cambridge High School that are accepted into the WBL program are typically Pathway Completers. They have three years of project-based learning and skill sets in the following fields:

  • Audio, Video, Film Production 
  • Computer Science
  • Digital & Web Design
  • Engineering
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Law & Justice
  • Sports Marking
  • Veterinary Science