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Peer Facilitation and Mentorship

Peer Facilitation Program - Office Aides

Rising Seniors! If you are looking for a one or two semester course for next year, consider being part of the Peer Facilitation program and become an Office Aide! Office Aides assist the main office, counseling office, and media center during each period and complete a variety of tasks such as running passes, answering the phone/door, and giving new student tours. If you are interested in this course, complete the application and turn it into Mrs. Morgan in room 2447 by Friday, February 7. Space is limited, and students will be selected based on their application and the order in which these are received. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Morgan before school or during B2. Applications open February 4 and can be found under Required Forms.

Peer Facilitation Application

CBI Exceptional Mentorship Course Application