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Message from the Principal

Dear Cambridge Students & Families,

Welcome to Bear Country! I am genuinely excited for the opportunity to engage in the growth and education of our students. At Cambridge, we believe we are the BRIDGE to a new tomorrow. We follow a set of expectations that help all of us to be better community members. We believe it is important to Be the BRIDGE () – to be Brave, Respectful, Involved,

Determined, Generous, and Engaged at every level and in all we do.

I am proud to serve Cambridge, a top-performing school in our district, state, and country. Ranked #393 in the nation (out of over 18,000 high schools), #11 in our state, and #2 in our district by US News and World Report, Cambridge continues to rise to the challenge of high academic achievement, the arts, and athletics. Our goal is to give students the opportunity to explore their interests, build their skills, and set a strong foundation for their life journey. Whether students wish to pursue college, technical school, military service, or a career, Cambridge is the best environment for preparation and learning.

I am here to support instruction, and I am also here to support student well-being. Through our B² (Be the BRIDGE) Advisement period, we offer students the ability to connect with a trusted adult, get help for classes, work on their social-emotional health, or go to a club meeting. Every Tuesday and Thursday, we offer student make-up testing in the Media Center from 3:45 pm – 4:45 pm. This makes making up a test, quiz, or assessment easy for the student and family to plan while freeing up our teachers to do remediation and support during their office hours. All teachers have weekly office hours posted, with a morning and afternoon offering for students for help, remediation, or asking questions. Teachers also have B² Help sessions they can offer students for help during the school day.

As principal, I continually look for ways to connect and support our students, parents, and community. In February, we have an annual BRIDGE to Service Day event where our students give back to the community. Monthly, I meet with my Student Advisory Council, a group of students across all four grade levels with varied backgrounds and experience, who keep me updated on student needs and offer me ideas and solutions to building issues. I have regular parent meetings set up for the school year to offer information on what our students are accomplishing and a time for parents to ask questions or give feedback on their experiences at Cambridge. Our School Governance Council, comprised of Parents, Community Members, Teachers, Staff, and Students, meets monthly to determine steps and supports for carrying out the vision and mission of Cambridge High School. These SGC meetings are open to the public, and minutes are posted regularly on the SGC section of our Cambridge website. Our PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Association) at Cambridge is strong. PTSA is a vital part of our community, working to support classroom needs, teacher and staff appreciation, student support, and student experiences. With all these organizations and groups, my goal is for students to leave Cambridge feeling that they just experienced the best four years of their lives. I highly encourage all our parents, students, and our community to be involved in this work, whether by attending an SGC meeting, voicing concerns at a parent meeting, joining PTSA, or cheering on our Bears at a competition or performance.

I truly believe that together we can continue to succeed and Be the BRIDGE to a brighter future for our students and community. This takes all of us to achieve. We must all be BRAVE to ask questions or ask for help. We must all be RESPECTFUL of our differences. We must all be INVOLVED in events and organizations that create the best experience for students. We must all be DETERMINED to take advantage of every opportunity to learn and grow. We must all be GENEROUS with our time, support, school pride, and school spirit. We must all be ENGAGED in creating a safe, healthy environment for all students, teachers, and staff.

If you need additional information about Cambridge High School, do not hesitate to check our website,, or contact me directly at Again, welcome to Bear Country! Be safe. Be the BRIDGE. GO BEARS!

Ashley Agans