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Transcript Request

Applying for College

Common App

Students applying to colleges through Common App, the student's counselor will upload their transcript into Common App. Students must add their counselor in the "Recommender Section" and provide a correct email to allow them to upload the transcript. Scriborder is not used when applying through Common App.

Non-Common App

ScribOrder is used when requesting transcripts for colleges not part of Common App or sending transcripts to the NCAA. Students should see their counselor if they have questions or need assistance.

Requesting a Transcript Through ScribOrder

Dual Enrollment

Students needing a transcript for Dual Enrollment admissions purposes can go to, create an account, and then request the transcript. View the step-by-step directions for requesting a transcript through GAfutures.

Requesting a Transcript through Gafutures


Current Students

  • Fulton County School is now utilizing ScribOrder for all official transcript requests. Transcripts can be sent to colleges, scholarship organizations, NCAA, and to individuals beginning after Labor Day weekend. *Naviance is no longer used for transcripts to colleges or NCAA. Please do not request transcripts in Naviance. 
  • Unofficial transcripts are available on Infinite Campus, Student Portal
  • NCAA transcript requests for a current student can be ordered through ScribOrder and sent to the NCAA Clearing House. Add NCAA as a college and request the transcript.


ScribOrder can be found through Fulton County School's Record Request.

  • Select Current Student 
  • Fill out the form
  • Upload a copy of your ID
  • Make the request/s for the record to be sent to all institutions that need the transcript
  • Submit the form


Unofficial Transcripts

Unofficial transcripts are available under "Documents" in the Infinite Campus Student or Parent Portal. Please contact the counseling office with questions.

Former Students - Recent Graduates

Former students, including recent graduates, can order an Official Transcript through Records Requests.

Records Request - ScribOrder

Transcript Declaration Form

All parents/guardians are required to fill out the Transcript Declaration Form to state their choice to send the unweighted transcript to colleges and for scholarships. The form must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian. If this form is not on file for the student, a weighted transcript will be sent to all colleges and scholarship organizations by default. The deadline to return this form to Bridge West is September 15. No email copies will be accepted.

Transcript Declaration Form