Junior Parking Lottery
Junior Parking
Applications close are now closed.
Parking Information and Instructions
Junior Parking on Campus
Juniors have the privilege of parking on campus during the school day in their assigned parking space. Students are not permitted to park in front of the building during the school day as faculty/staff, visitors, and substitute teachers have reserved parking spaces in that area. Parking on campus, for Juniors, is only available through an application/approval/permit process.
Parking Information and Instructions
Parking Application Submission and Approval Process
Step 1 Complete the online application found below. Make sure that you have uploaded a current insurance card and driver’s license. Permits are not accepted.
To complete the application users must be signed on the student's FCS account. To sign into a student's FCS account, go to the Fulton County Schools website and click on ClassLink. Sign into ClassLink using the student's login credentials and select the Cambridge High School website from ClassLink. Navigate to this section on the website.
Step 2 Junior Parking Lottery winners will be posted on Bridge East and Bridge West windows on August 23 by 12:00 pm.
Step 3 Once you see your name posted, submit payment through OSP (also found on the homepage/payments icon) and complete the $100 payment. Print or screenshot the receipt. Bring your receipt and driver’s license to Bridge East (Main Office) to receive your parking permit. Parking permits will only be issued to the Junior. Once you get your permit, you may start parking in your space.
Parking Rules/Requirements for Juniors parking on campus
Juniors parking on campus must:
- Display their parking permit in front windshield
Park only in their designated parking space (this includes when reporting for any morning workouts)
Follow all rules regarding traffic on campus and all disciplinary expectations set out in the Student Code of Conduct & Discipline Handbook
Park in ‘visitor parking’ at the front of school if their ‘permitted’ space is occupied by another vehicle. You should record the make/model and tag number of the unauthorized vehicle and report that information to the front office, after parking in a visitor space, and prior to reporting to class
Take everything from the vehicle that is needed for the day. Students are not permitted to return to their vehicle during the day without administrative approval
No transfer permits or allowing another student to use their space at any time
Notify administration of any vehicle changes
Be aware that school officials may search a student’s car if they have reasonable suspicion that a student is in possession of items including, but not limited to, drugs, weapons, or alcohol.
Violations of Parking Rules and Requirements
Junior parking on campus is a privilege. Students are expected to follow all rules in the Fulton County Schools Code of Conduct & Discipline Handbook.
Juniors should be aware that any violation of rules and requirements may result in their vehicle being stickered ($70 fee) and/or suspension of their parking permit. Based on the rule infraction(s), other Code of Discipline consequences may also be assigned.
Examples of violations include, but are not limited to the following:
Giving false information and/or falsely registering a vehicle
Speeding on campus, speed limit is 15 miles per hour
Driving recklessly so as to endanger life or property
Parking an automobile on campus without a parking tag
Parking in areas that are hazardous, such as entrances, exits, fire lanes (red curbs), bus zones, yellow curbs, on the grass/mulch, or in such a manner as to impede traffic
Violation of county, state, or federal law
Parking on campus without permission
Loitering or visiting in the parking lot during school hours
Not wearing a seat belt while driving on campus
Leaving Campus Without Permission
Students are to remain on campus for the duration of their classes and not leave without permission of a parent and a school principal or designee (see FCS Code of Discipline Handbook Rule 12b- II). Unauthorized departures from campus, especially during lunchtime, will result in the following:
On suspension of parking privileges, the parking permit must be surrendered to the Bridge East Front Office for the duration of the suspension. Any violations of a parking suspension will result in further disciplinary action.
- Cambridge High School is not responsible for situations (accidents, theft, etc.) that may occur in the parking lot.
- There is a $5.00 fee to replace lost or misplaced parking tags.
- Parking fees are non – refundable.
- Students in receipt of a parking permit should keep these pages for reference.